The Kibble Project (2021)

The Requirement

Qube wanted to build bins that can be mounted onto trailers, so they are able to use Heavy Forklifts to empty each bin individually as required.

These bins would sit three per trailer and require a tarp system to hold in the materials being carted between destinations.

A problem was the operator would be required to manually wind up to nine individual bins open and closed. This workload would take more time and add potential injuries.

The Solution

RAZOR was approached to help adapt the current Razor Top Runner System to a customised bin.

With a shorter frame, our engineers designed a rail to run in conjunction with the length of the rim of the bin, allowing the Razor Drive to travel along the top and tighten into the side to ensure a tight tension.

As there were sets of the three bins per trailer, the Razor Electronics were able to connect three systems to the one remote for the operator to open and close simultaneously. There are Individual remote options if only one was needed to used at that time.

The Razor Electronics also allowed lowered program settings to accommodate for common tarp requirements used across the country.


The Outcome

All 36x Kibble Bins were fitted and put to work, providing quicker turn-around times.



28b Amcor Way, Campbellfield
VIC 3061, Australia